"Hilot", the traditional way of healing is the oldest and the most secret arts in the Philippines. Most Hilot in the Philippines are either learned from relatives, through hands on practice, or inherited from their forefathers, passing the arts from one generation to the next. Anywhere you visit in the Philippines, most Filipinos are exposed to the curative value of Hilot.
Hilot is a Tagalog dialect that means massage rubbing or touch with care.It is an art of healing, commonly used today to relax stressed muscles. Masahista (Hilot practitioners) as well as albularyo usually cheaper alternatives to medical doctors in the Philippines, especially in very deep rural areas. Hilot employ chiropractic manipulation and massage for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoligamentous and musculoskeletal ailments. They also have been known to reset dislocated and sprained joints such as the knee, ankle, fingers and metacarpal bones. Hilot tend to be chiropractors while arbularyos tend to be herbalists.
Hilots are Filipino traditional healers based in the communities who deliver health services. Filipino traditional hilot therapy is somewhat associated with the traditional Chinese medicine and Indian traditional medicine. Long time ago, Filipino traditional medicine was largely ignored and suppressed.
There are several types of hilots in the community. There’s the Magpapaanak who is an expert in post-natal massage; the hilot, who is a bone setter; the acupressurist who aligns ugat (nerves) and balance electrical energy into the body; the reflexologist, who drains excess energy; and the herbalist, who uses herbs in healing.
Hilots provide value redirection and spiritual formation. Hilot healing practices are unique because they give impart honesty, sincerity, respect, humility, understanding, discipline, and service to community and nature.
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